28. The General Assembly of the World Veteran Federation

Photo by WVF Poland . Union of Associations of Croatian defenders treated from PTSD as a member of the World Veteran Federation has received an invitation to participate in the 28. General Assembly on the basis of previous active participation in the work of these conferences and longstanding problems of war veterans presenting participants war in our country, with an emphasis on veterans suffering from PTSD.
This year's General Assembly of the World Veteran Federation was held in Sopot, Poland in the period from 31. August to 4. September 2015. The. In carrying out these activities in front of the Association of Croatian war veterans treated for post-traumatic stress disorder representative was Mr. Tihomir Trešćec, President of the Community.
Na 28. General Assembly of the World Veteran Federation adopt the amendments to the Statute of the Federation. Amendments related to the way the voting members of the Federation in choosing the President and other governing bodies and their functions, and adopted the more significant resolution, and elected a new leadership.
The newly elected president of the World Veteran Federation Mr. Dan-Viggo Bergtun from Norway. Also, was elected and Mr. Stanislaw Wozniak of Polish president for the Working Committee (Standing Committee) for European affairs and issues of the World Veteran Federation. Mr. Wozniak also nominated and our representative.