Held psychological workshops

Within the project "Social and psychological motivation to improving the lives of veterans treated for PTSD were held workshop" Stress, PTSP suicides: how to help themselves and others ", self-help program for Croatian war veterans suffering from PTSD. Workshops are organized for Croatian war veterans treated for PTSD with a view learn about the basic mechanisms of the effects of stress and PTSD caused by participating in the war; introduction to the interaction of physiological, psychological and behavioral functioning system of the human; dating with signs of suicidal behavior and ways to prevent suicide and Discovering and practicing basic techniques of breathing, creative visualization and directing their attention to overcome traumatic stress symptoms. The workshops were held in four different cities, and led them mr.sc. Zoran Komar. Were conducted in an interactive form, with the active participation of students, presentation and discussion of specific issues and problems in connection with the subject matter and practice of most of the presented content.

marking 72. anniversary release concentration camp Mauthausen

As part of the international activities of the Community representatives ZUHBL PTSD RH attended the celebration of the anniversary of the liberation of the Mauthausen concentration camp. Celebration was held 7. May 2017. The, and representatives participated at the memorial and laid a wreath at the monument in common for all the victims who during II. World War killed in that camp.