Electoral Assembly held

Dana 18. February 2022. Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to acquaint Croatian veterans with the process of acquiring rights defined by the Croatian Veterans Act 12:00Electoral Assembly held. Electoral Assembly held 12 Electoral Assembly held. Electoral Assembly held. Electoral Assembly held.
Electoral Assembly held. Electoral Assembly held. Electoral Assembly held.
Electoral Assembly held. Zlatobor Petrović presented the EU project implemented by his association Nezavisni dragovoljci hrvatski in partnership with ZUHBL PTSD RH, Zlatobor Petrović presented the EU project implemented by his association Nezavisni dragovoljci hrvatski in partnership with ZUHBL PTSD RH. Zlatobor Petrović presented the EU project implemented by his association Nezavisni dragovoljci hrvatski in partnership with ZUHBL PTSD RH.