Psychosocial workshop and presentation of guidelines - Thematic networks

As part of the project "Analysis of social factors that affect the quality of life of the veteran population – guidelines for the future " 19. March 2022. starting at 11:00 hours in the House of Culture Sračinec, Varaždinska 273 a presentation of proposed guidelines on "Health care of Croatian veterans" based on research results and field experiences was held, as well as the second psychosocial workshop on the connection between physical health and the aspect of spirituality. The guidelines were presented to the audience by the advisor of the thematic network for health,, Stanko Šincek, issues of preventive measures were addressed, treatment, palliative medicine and rehabilitation of the target group (defenders). The results indicate the importance of maintaining and improving mental health and psychological factors, in order to improve the general quality of life of individuals and ultimately to create a happier and more functional society as a whole. After the presentation of the guidelines, the second psychosocial workshop was held, which was joined by Rev.. Ivica Cujzek who on the feast of St.. Josip gave a lecture to the participants on the connection between spiritual peace and physical health and how to achieve and maintain peace, joy and how to contribute to the construction of modern society. The holder of the project is the Association of Veterans of the Croatian Guards, and on it with the Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for PTSD of the Republic of Croatia as a project partner, participates more 15 civil society organizations and higher education and scientific institutions with the aim of developing dialogue and strengthening cooperation between veterans' associations, other civil society organizations, local and regional self-government units, social partners and scientific institutions with the purpose of developing guidelines for improving the quality of life of Croatian veterans.

Action of a member association from Međimurje County

In the action entitled "Ukraine is not alone with us", members from the member association from Međimurje County, UHBDL PTSD MZ organized and collected and delivered supplies for women and children refugees from the war zone of Ukraine. Praiseworthy action and great help of members who have already shown themselves with such actions in their county, as well as in the area of ​​Sisak-Moslavina County after the devastating earthquake.

Parade on the occasion of the anniversary of the beginning of the Homeland War

Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for PTSD Zagreb on the occasion of marking the anniversary of the beginning of the Homeland War, as part of the program 30 years later - remembrance of the victims of the war funded by the City of Zagreb, organized a parade from the association's headquarters in Novi Zagreb to the new Monument to the Homeland near the City Hall. Members of the association and family took part in the parade, thus paying tribute to all the victims of the war, but also expressed sympathy for the Ukrainian people and the suffering they are going through. Wreaths and lighted candles were laid at the monument.

Electoral Assembly held

Dana 18. February 2022. Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to acquaint Croatian veterans with the process of acquiring rights defined by the Croatian Veterans Act 12:00Electoral Assembly held. Electoral Assembly held 12 Electoral Assembly held. Electoral Assembly held. Electoral Assembly held.
Electoral Assembly held. Electoral Assembly held. Electoral Assembly held.
Electoral Assembly held. Zlatobor Petrović presented the EU project implemented by his association Nezavisni dragovoljci hrvatski in partnership with ZUHBL PTSD RH, Zlatobor Petrović presented the EU project implemented by his association Nezavisni dragovoljci hrvatski in partnership with ZUHBL PTSD RH. Zlatobor Petrović presented the EU project implemented by his association Nezavisni dragovoljci hrvatski in partnership with ZUHBL PTSD RH.

Paying tribute to the fallen Croats – Villefranche de Rouergue

Dana 17. September 2021. after last year's pandemic break, after last year's pandemic break 1943. after last year's pandemic break 2006. after last year's pandemic break. after last year's pandemic break, after last year's pandemic break 13. after last year's pandemic break (after last year's pandemic break) after last year's pandemic break 1943. after last year's pandemic break, after last year's pandemic break. after last year's pandemic break. The community is proud to be part of the delegation marking this important date.

conference 9. The community is proud to be part of the delegation marking this important date

Dana 09. December 2021. The 9. The community is proud to be part of the delegation marking this important date. The community is proud to be part of the delegation marking this important date. The community is proud to be part of the delegation marking this important date: The community is proud to be part of the delegation marking this important date, The community is proud to be part of the delegation marking this important date, The community is proud to be part of the delegation marking this important date , The community is proud to be part of the delegation marking this important date, The community is proud to be part of the delegation marking this important date, The community is proud to be part of the delegation marking this important date, Head of the Sector for Improving the Quality of Life of Croatian Veterans and Care for Civilian Victims of the Homeland War, Head of the Sector for Improving the Quality of Life of Croatian Veterans and Care for Civilian Victims of the Homeland War, Head of the Sector for Improving the Quality of Life of Croatian Veterans and Care for Civilian Victims of the Homeland War, Head of the Sector for Improving the Quality of Life of Croatian Veterans and Care for Civilian Victims of the Homeland War, Head of the Sector for Improving the Quality of Life of Croatian Veterans and Care for Civilian Victims of the Homeland War, Head of the Sector for Improving the Quality of Life of Croatian Veterans and Care for Civilian Victims of the Homeland War, Head of the Sector for Improving the Quality of Life of Croatian Veterans and Care for Civilian Victims of the Homeland War : Head of the Sector for Improving the Quality of Life of Croatian Veterans and Care for Civilian Victims of the Homeland War ( Head of the Sector for Improving the Quality of Life of Croatian Veterans and Care for Civilian Victims of the Homeland War ), Head of the Sector for Improving the Quality of Life of Croatian Veterans and Care for Civilian Victims of the Homeland War ( Head of the Sector for Improving the Quality of Life of Croatian Veterans and Care for Civilian Victims of the Homeland War ) Head of the Sector for Improving the Quality of Life of Croatian Veterans and Care for Civilian Victims of the Homeland War ( Head of the Sector for Improving the Quality of Life of Croatian Veterans and Care for Civilian Victims of the Homeland War ) Head of the Sector for Improving the Quality of Life of Croatian Veterans and Care for Civilian Victims of the Homeland War 9. Head of the Sector for Improving the Quality of Life of Croatian Veterans and Care for Civilian Victims of the Homeland War

Head of the Sector for Improving the Quality of Life of Croatian Veterans and Care for Civilian Victims of the Homeland War: 
1. 9. The Knowledge Center is a good example of the unity of veterans and victims of the Homeland War in promoting the values ​​of the Homeland War, The Knowledge Center is a good example of the unity of veterans and victims of the Homeland War in promoting the values ​​of the Homeland War, The Knowledge Center is a good example of the unity of veterans and victims of the Homeland War in promoting the values ​​of the Homeland War
2. The Knowledge Center is a good example of the unity of veterans and victims of the Homeland War in promoting the values ​​of the Homeland War, The Knowledge Center is a good example of the unity of veterans and victims of the Homeland War in promoting the values ​​of the Homeland War, The Knowledge Center is a good example of the unity of veterans and victims of the Homeland War in promoting the values ​​of the Homeland War.

The Knowledge Center is a good example of the unity of veterans and victims of the Homeland War in promoting the values ​​of the Homeland War, The Knowledge Center is a good example of the unity of veterans and victims of the Homeland War in promoting the values ​​of the Homeland War

Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to acquaint Croatian veterans with the process of acquiring rights defined by the Croatian Veterans Act, Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to acquaint Croatian veterans with the process of acquiring rights defined by the Croatian Veterans Act. Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to acquaint Croatian veterans with the process of acquiring rights defined by the Croatian Veterans Act 30. Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to acquaint Croatian veterans with the process of acquiring rights defined by the Croatian Veterans Act 13:00 hours. Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to acquaint Croatian veterans with the process of acquiring rights defined by the Croatian Veterans Act, Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to acquaint Croatian veterans with the process of acquiring rights defined by the Croatian Veterans Act, Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to acquaint Croatian veterans with the process of acquiring rights defined by the Croatian Veterans Act. Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to acquaint Croatian veterans with the process of acquiring rights defined by the Croatian Veterans Act 28. December 2022. Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to acquaint Croatian veterans with the process of acquiring rights defined by the Croatian Veterans Act 15,00 hours.

Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to acquaint Croatian veterans with the process of acquiring rights defined by the Croatian Veterans Act

Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to improve the work of member associations, Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to improve the work of member associations, Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to acquaint Croatian veterans with the process of acquiring rights defined by the Croatian Veterans Act. Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to acquaint Croatian veterans with the process of acquiring rights defined by the Croatian Veterans Act 23. Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to acquaint Croatian veterans with the process of acquiring rights defined by the Croatian Veterans Act 13:00 hours. Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to improve the work of member associations, Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to improve the work of member associations. Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to acquaint Croatian veterans with the process of acquiring rights defined by the Croatian Veterans Act 22. December 2022. Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to acquaint Croatian veterans with the process of acquiring rights defined by the Croatian Veterans Act 15:00.

Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to improve the work of member associations

Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to improve the work of member associations. Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to improve the work of member associations 14. parade "You are our pride - we are your strength" and after that in the occasional program "Ovcara - eternal wound". parade "You are our pride - we are your strength" and after that in the occasional program "Ovcara - eternal wound" 9 parade "You are our pride - we are your strength" and after that in the occasional program "Ovcara - eternal wound", parade "You are our pride - we are your strength" and after that in the occasional program "Ovcara - eternal wound", parade "You are our pride - we are your strength" and after that in the occasional program "Ovcara - eternal wound". parade "You are our pride - we are your strength" and after that in the occasional program "Ovcara - eternal wound" 30. parade "You are our pride - we are your strength" and after that in the occasional program "Ovcara - eternal wound" 200 parade "You are our pride - we are your strength" and after that in the occasional program "Ovcara - eternal wound", parade "You are our pride - we are your strength" and after that in the occasional program "Ovcara - eternal wound", and whose remains were found in a mass grave.

Remembrance Day - commemoration in Vukovar and Škabrnja

On the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of the Homeland War Victims in Vukovar and Škabrnja Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for PTSD Zagreb with the support of the City of Zagreb through the project 30 years later - in memory of the victims of the war, it organized transport for its members to Vukovar and Škabrnje. After 8 members traveled to Vukovar and Škabrnje and laid wreaths and lit candles for all the victims at the places of suffering. They remembered all the brave defenders and civilians who, because of the aggression against their country, sacrificed their lives and helped create our country.