Extraordinary Assembly UHBL-year-PTSD Varazdin County

varazdinska-gearDana 25.01.2008. was held Extraordinary General Assembly UHBL-year-PTSD Varazdin County. All reports of Association unanimously accepted. Because of the irrevocable resignation of Secretary of the Association of Tihomir Davidovic, was elected as the new Secretary Drazen Sever.Od guests were present: Udruga zdravog life ” Family club” Varazdin County, UDVDR-Branch of the Varazdin County, Association “SJP” - Rode Varaždin, UHBL-PTSD of Virovitica, UHBL-PTSD-a Grad Zagreb, UHBL-PTSD Koprivnica County “Sv. Marko Križevčanin”, Department of Veterans at the county office in Varazdin County, Center for the victims of the war and their family members of the Varazdin County, Department of Psychiatry at the General Hospital Varazdin, Administrative odjel for health and care socijalnu Town of Varaždin, On behalf of Mayor Mr. John Herman in charge of the Association of Varaždin City Hall, UOHBL‐PTSP‐RH, this u name ZUHBL-PTSD-a Republic of Croatia, Secretary General Tihomir Trešćec. The attending guests wished the continued successful operation of the Association. After the Assembly was prepared by the appropriate party.