Adoption of the Law on Civilian Victims of the Homeland War and amendments to the Law on Croatian Homeland War Veterans and Members of Their Families

The Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia, led by the president of the association Tihomir Trešćec, provides full support to the adoption of the Law on Civilian Victims of the Homeland War. War always brings with it many casualties and they do not stand on dead and wounded soldiers, lost battles and territories. The victims of the war are also civilians who did not want or did not manage to leave their homes, the victims of the war were also captured, wounded or killed civilians, but the victims of the war are also innocent children also wounded and unfortunately killed or left without one or both parents. Such tragedies in times of peace are difficult to comprehend, but those who have experienced them carry them with them forever and live with them and in spite of them. With the tragedy they experienced, those same victims had to fight for years for their victim to be valued, that their tragedy be recognized in the letter of the law and we believe that by passing a new law, thanks to Minister Tomi Medved and all other employees of the Ministry of Croatian Veterans who worked on the Law, this injustice will be corrected and that this will restore the dignity of civilian victims that they lost by being forgotten and ignored.. Although it is clear that no law passed more than 25 years after the end of the war will not compensate for lost lives or reduced quality of life caused by injury or loss of a loved one, we believe that the enactment of the Law will make it clear that civilian victims deserve to be recognized and valued. Expressing support for the enactment of the Act, Minister Tommy Bear, as well as the work of the Ministry of Croatian Veterans, we would like to express our praise and gratitude to the victims' associations, led by the Association of Civilian Victims of the Republic of Croatia, thanks to whose persistent work this Law was created. Also, as an association that brings together veterans treated for PTSD, we are aware of all the problems that veterans encounter in the current process of acquiring the status of Croatian war invalid and we are pleased with the announced amendments to the Law on Croatian Homeland War Veterans and Their Families. come before an expert team formed by the Ministry of Croatian Veterans who is familiar with the specific and sensitive issues of PTSD. At the same time, we do not think that all veterans who request this status will be recognized, but we believe that each individual case will be individually analyzed and evaluated, and that veterans will not have to collect all the documentation that the Ministry of Croatian Veterans as the line ministry already has.
We believe that the Ministry of Croatian Veterans will, led by Minister Tom Medved and continue to work in the interest of Croatian veterans and victims of the Homeland War.