At a meeting of the Presidency of the Association of Croatian veterans treated for PTSD Croatia, 25.svibnja 2010 held in Zagreb, and as he announced reductions of pensions Croatian Homeland War Veterans issued the following statement:
Membership ZUHBL PTSD RH fully understand the extent of the economic crisis in the country and the sacrifices that Croatian citizens submitted as to overcome the crisis.
We are aware of the crisis must be borne by every part of society, but we do not accept that the Croatian defenders, victims must be the ones who will be the first to bear the brunt of the crisis. Croatian war veterans did not go to war for the sake of pensions and benefits, Today they said their suffering as a privilege. U rat we have lost your health Zivot i, and now we will be the elimination of co-payments charged for treatment. Today we who are most invested in the homeland again takes, of us and our families to create social cases, What we can not and will not accept. We ask that the burden of the crisis must first feel the wealthiest strata of Croatian society and those who have in recent years suddenly enriched, Croatian war veterans and victims of the war should be the last of which will be deducted. In connection with the announcement of the decision of our pension reductions in the amount of 10 % membership ZUHBL PTSD Croatia can not accept the same, but a deduction of up to 5% and the abolition of the crisis tax. With this we want to draw attention to all those who participate in decision-making, with the intention of encroaching upon the acquired rights of war victims, their sensitivity when making new solutions.