Cooperation with the association JOB "Veterans' Union" Sarajevo Canton

Cooperation with related international associations continued. In mid-December, the Community delegation participated in the Report Assembly of the JOB "Union of Veterans" Sarajevo Canton, where the President of the Community was the guest of honor. He briefly presented the work of the association to the participants and introduced them to the successes of the Association in the fight for the rights of all Croatian veterans, and especially those with HRVI status.

NZRCD lecture series

Our employees are in the period of 27. September to 20. December 2023. participated in a cycle of workshops organized by the National Foundation for the Development of Civil Society. It was about the total 25 workshop with topics important for project activities of CSOs, and all for the purpose of transferring acquired knowledge to member associations. The topics of the lectures were as follows:
– types and acceptability of costs incurred in ESF+ projects and the method of proving them
– criteria and the process of assessing the acceptability of project proposals
– legal effects of the contract on the allocation of funds in the ESF+
– Payroll; calculation of other income. Calculation of the travel order
– Law on financial operations and accounting of non-profit organizations;
– Register of non-profit organizations (RNO)
– Visibility in the context of EU funds
– Evidence documentation and microdata in ESF
– Conflict of interest and irregularities in the ESF
– Frauds in EU funding; Circumstances that cannot be predicted
– Creation of reports (national funding)
– Implementation of supports; Avoiding conflicts of interest; Activity visibility (Hotel Dubrovnik)
– Legal/Institutional frameworks of ESI funds
– Financing possibilities in the new financial period (PULJP);
– Simplified cost options
– Application for invitations - How to apply a quality project
– Implementation of project activities
– Procurement procedures (NOIN)
– Acceptable activities
– Acceptability of costs
– Labor legislation; contract, work and deed, work from home (online)
– Corrections; unacceptable costs
– Complaint system
– Possibilities of national financing; application to national tenders
– Responsibility of the project manager
– Preparation of ZNS
– Economic activities of associations; Law on psychological activity
– Law on Free Legal Aid; Law on providing services in tourism

Departure to Vukovar on the occasion of the anniversary of the martyrdom at Ovčara

Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to improve the work of member associations. Association of Croatian Veterans Treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Republic of Croatia in order to improve the work of member associations 14. parade "You are our pride - we are your strength" and after that in the occasional program "Ovcara - eternal wound". parade "You are our pride - we are your strength" and after that in the occasional program "Ovcara - eternal wound" 9 parade "You are our pride - we are your strength" and after that in the occasional program "Ovcara - eternal wound", parade "You are our pride - we are your strength" and after that in the occasional program "Ovcara - eternal wound", parade "You are our pride - we are your strength" and after that in the occasional program "Ovcara - eternal wound". parade "You are our pride - we are your strength" and after that in the occasional program "Ovcara - eternal wound" 30. parade "You are our pride - we are your strength" and after that in the occasional program "Ovcara - eternal wound" 200 parade "You are our pride - we are your strength" and after that in the occasional program "Ovcara - eternal wound", parade "You are our pride - we are your strength" and after that in the occasional program "Ovcara - eternal wound", and whose remains were found in a mass grave.

20 year of weaving support from the National Foundation

She is a representative of the Community 6. participated in the celebration in November 20. anniversary of the National Foundation for the Development of Civil Society. Numerous guests greeted the present guests, after which the film "People for the People" with testimonies was shown 20 people who have been changed for the better by civil society organizations thanks to the National Foundation for the Development of Civil Society. Representatives of the National Foundation presented the work of the National Foundation and its contribution to the development of civil society in the Republic of Croatia.

Digital tools in everyday communication

As part of the cooperation between the member associations of the Centers of Knowledge 6. November 2023. the representative of GONG Mr. Matej Mikašinović-Komšo conducted the workshop "Digital tools in everyday communication" and introduced our members to the advantage of using Google digital tools and familiarized them more closely with Gong's two digital tools Parlametar - a tool that facilitates the monitoring of the work of the Croatian Parliament by means of vote analysis and transcripts of parliamentary speeches. We have pravoznati - a platform that allows us to ask questions and seek answers from the Government and the public sector in a simple way.

Obilježavanje dana grada Dubrovnika i dubrovačkih branitelja

At the invitation of the member association UHBL-PTSP "Sveti Vlaho" Dubrovnik Dubrovnik-Neretva County, the representative office of ZUHBLPTSPRH participated 5. i 6. November 2023. godine u Dubrovniku na programu obilježavanja najtežeg napada na Dubrovnik i Dana branitelja Dubrovnika. Sa izaslanstvima Vlade RH, Ministries of Croatian veterans, predstavnicima gradskih vlasti i udruga proisteklih iz Domovinskog rata položili su vijence i zapalili svijeće na spomenicima poginulih hrvatskih branitelja na Gradskom groblju u Dubrovniku Boninovu i Tvrđi.

Commemoration 80. anniversary of the dead Croatian and Bosniak soldiers in Villefranche de Rouergue

At the invitation of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in France and the mayor of Villefranche de Rouergu, Mr. Jean-Sebastien Orcibala, the president of the Community, participated in the solemn commemoration of the Croats and Bosniaks who died during the uprising against the Nazi officers, which was organized 17. September 2023. The. This year it was celebrated 80. the anniversary of this event, which is considered the first recorded mutiny of a unit within the Waffen-SS.
After the central commemoration, the delegation attended and set up exhibitions and a lecture where knowledge and historical facts were presented for the first time by war veterans from Villefranche de Rouergu. After the commemoration, the participants went to Lourdes, where they attended the Stations of the Cross and Holy Mass.


A representative of the Community participated 26. June 2023. at a meeting organized by the National Foundation for the Development of Civil Society, where details related to the newly established form of systematic support of the National Foundation were presented. At the meeting, Helena Beus from the Government Office for Associations and Cvjetana Plavša-Matić and Luka Bogdan as representatives of the National Foundation addressed the gathering..
System support is divided into four levels:
– Basic systematic support - associations from the Homeland War and associations of persons with disabilities after a three-year cycle of institutional support from the National Foundation
– National systematic support – federations and communities of associations from the Homeland War and associations of persons with disabilities (current members 8. i 9. knowledge center
– Basic system support
– Systematic support in the field of training

Workshop - Peculiarities and advantages of establishing a Social Enterprise, cooperatives and social cooperatives

Most non-profit organizations in Croatia and the world finance their activities thanks to the support of public funders or private donations. For the purpose of getting to know our members and the entire public interested in this sector, a cycle of two workshops was held on the topic of social entrepreneurship and cooperative action.. At the first workshop held 25. May 2023. year the emphasis was placed on:
– the concept of social entrepreneurship, the goals of establishing the same as the main principles that guide social enterprises such as social, environmental and economic sustainability
– social and cooperative local communities that most often gather people with the same goals who have recognized the needs of society and try to respond to these needs with appropriate activities and production in order to better and better use local resources
– the specific way of managing the cooperative and making decisions is also presented
– business planning, the peculiarities of accounting in these types of companies and the specifics of marketing
The second workshop is planned for mid-October, and will include the following topics:
– various forms of financing entrepreneurial programs such as EU projects, credit
– importance of business communication
– key communication skills required
– the importance of business negotiations and negotiation processes
Considering the relevance of the topic, it is planned to hold another workshop on this topic until the end of the calendar year.

Celebrating the anniversary of VRO Bljesak

The representative of ZUHBL PTSP of the Republic of Croatia Mr. Dražen Vrbanić participated in the ceremonial marking 28. The anniversary of the military police operation Bljesak, which was held in Okučani 01. May 2023. The. By laying wreaths and lighting candles at the "Crystal Cube of Serenity" memorial, all those who died in VRO Bljesak were honored. Memorial mass for all fallen Croatian veterans and civilians of the Homeland War led by the bishop of the Archdiocese of Požega, Mons.. Antun Škovrčević was held in the Church of St. Life.
At the end of the mass, a tour of the tactical-technical corps was organized and a military lunch was organized for the citizens present.