Category: Notice
Andragonic school Zvonimir organizes free programs of high school for ALL UNEMPLOYED CROATIAN War and unemployed children of killed, Captured or missing CROATIAN DEFENDERS.
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Worshipful gospodine Ministers
In order to more clearly articulating the reasons protest outside the Ministry of Veterans who started 20. November 2014. year and requires Croatian war veterans and war victims, I send you this open letter.
The Association of Croatian veterans treated for posttraumatic stress disorder RH one of the first Association of Homeland War that Minister Matic, but the Croatian Parliament, Government of the Republic of Croatia, Croatian President, Caucuses and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs 3. November 2014. The open letter in which he warned about the inappropriate appearance of Assistant Minister of Veterans Bojana Glavašević at a roundtable European House Vukovar and Documenta – Centre for Dealing with the Past in Vukovar 26. September 2014. The.
Another open letter to the same case analyzed in detail with an irrefutable argument about the disgraceful performance of Bojan Glavašević were sent 8. November 2014. The, with the support of the vast majority of prominent associations of the Homeland War. In it, the associations pointed to bunt that statement brings to veterans, specifically requested the Minister to distance itself from the attitudes of his assistant and demanded an official response. That letter was published in the media, a given statement B. Glavašević released in the Journal of Croatian Television…..entire third open letter read –HERE–
Following the open letter that we send you the 03. November 2014. The, and that we have not received any reply as no other official response by the relevant state institutions, We'd like more detail about our attitudes related to seeking dismissal of your assistants Mr. Bojan Glavašević for his appearances at the roundtable European House Vukovar and Documenta – Centre for Dealing with the Past in Vukovar 26. September 2014. The.
In your brief statement in the central Croatian Television deny that Mr. Glavašević put forward claims that he had been called and that he only spoke of civilian victims who have no nationality. Do you really think that the association of the war in this way raised to protect the rights of veterans and war victims, it's really a statement of Mr. Glavašević? From the overall situation of trying to show that the associations manipulated oppositional political views, and do not want to admit they are in a specific situation and members of the ruling party appalled at the same statement. Honestly, Your spomenuta statement, as well as performance in the last episode Veterans of Peace, making it clear that Croatian soldiers, or the association of the War always have the feeling that they "someone attacks, haunted "really offensive and do not affect the real situation.
We emphasize that these interventions related to appearance of Mr. Glavašević not instructed by any political party, and that is not an expression of psychotic behavior Association of Homeland War, but a very serious commitment to protecting the value of the Patriotic War.
As it is obvious that you have not listened to the shameful statement of your assistants, convey its parts, to give you more clearly explained his views:
"How is it that the Croatian defenders, civilian casualties rata sa Alphabetical Page (hands showing quotation marks) suffering from a wide range of malignant diseases, suffering from PTSD, and this is a population that has won the war, who won the war and that through the Law on the Rights of the veterans have many rights, including pensions of course talking about the part of the veterans who have Croatian war veterans. How is it that in all populations, also carries over to the Law on Rights Defenders many rights-related work, that population suffers from PTSD. On the other hand, we have a body of population that was on the side of the Krajina, that lost the war, no rights and no PTSD. Barem kol'ko me know how. One would expect that, maybe we are wrong, So maybe these people do not have somewhere, not us, We have not seen that population, but then there would be some other indicators, thus indicating the existence of PTSD in this population. Anyway, question still has no answer, but what is very important and needs to answer, zar not?“ ….. Read the entire letter –HERE–